talkin’ bout the promised land

The Right to Bear Arms?
April 19, 2007, 3:31 pm
Filed under: Debate, Gun Laws, News, Random, Shootings, The Right to Bear Arms, Virginia Tech

Candle Ligh Vigil For Victims of Virginia Tech MassacreI know that everyone has heard about the tragic event that occurred at Virginia Tech on April 16. It’s amazing to me how one person, who is having some serious trouble in their life, can decide to take 32 innocent lives for no reason at all and be coward enough to shoot them self in the the face. A face and name has been placed on the perpetrator and now I am praying for blessings for the families of the victims and the students affected by this atrocity.Cho the Virginia tech perpetrator

In America, we live in a society that believes for the most part that we are safe to go to a shopping mall, attend class, or see a concert or sporting event in safety and security. The shooting of at Virginia tech reminded me of how dangerous the world really is. Violent crimes happen every single day in the US. Compared to Europe, We’ve got an unbelievably high crime rate and I think its all ties into the right the bear arms.

I mean really, who needs a gun? Hunters? People who are constantly attacked by burglar’s? When is the the last time you’ve heard a news report about anyone saved from an attack by an intruder because they were armed with a gun? Who needs a semiautomatic 9 millimeter glock for protection? Far more people are killed by guns by accidents or criminal activity then by people protecting themselves from anything each year.
It is my personal belief that there is no real reason for anyone to own a gun unless they’re law enforcement officers. I am against hunting and I’ve witnessed far too much violence on the television alone. Something must be done about the Guns in this Country. If the right to bear arms will not be written out of the constitution, a least laws on gun ownership should be much more stringent. The state of Virginia has some of the most relaxed firearm laws a long with many other states. I don’t know how many more murders, accidental gunfires, and school shootings its going to take before people really start to think about the real issue at hand… who needs the right to bear arms?